Your support is so very much appreciated
Thank you
Donations by BACS, means we will receive the full amount of your donation.
For a one-off donation or to set up a regular standing order to offer your support:
Grantham Canal Society
Lloyds Bank
Account Number: 00401364
Sort Code: 30-96-18
If you wish to send a cheque, please make it payable to ‘Grantham Canal Society’ and send to:
Treasurer, Grantham Canal Society, 340 Harlaxton Road, Grantham. NG31 7JY
Should you wish to donate completely anonymously: Donating through Give as you Live allows this option (4.8% fee)
Any enquiries regarding making a donation:

Your contribution supports our volunteers – so we can carry on doing more of this 🙂
Thank you so much from us all, we really do appreciate your support

A purely volunteer organisation